Schedule Changes

SCHEDULES will be viewable on Skyward beginning July 29

Students should check their schedules prior to the first day of school.. 
Counselors will accept change requests by email ONLY.
The last day to request a schedule change is Tuesday, August 13 at 3:00 pm.

Schedule change requests will be prioritized as follows:
1. You are missing a graduation requirement
2. Your schedule is incomplete, or a class is duplicated
3. You are enrolled in a course that you have already completed and received credit.
4. You are enrolled in a course for which you have NOT met the prerequisite.
5. You have a physical injury that does not allow participation in the course.
6. You wish to increase or decrease rigor of your schedule (assuming space is available).
7. You have decided you do not want to take a class that you originally chose (in January).

Alpha Counselor by student last name:
E – K
L – Q
R – W
Real World Learning and X, Y, Z