Junior/Senior Timeline
Junior Year Timeline
- Complete College Now application, authorization form, and ACT score submission if taking College Now courses through JCCC.
- Complete challenging courses to be well prepared for college. When you apply to college and for scholarships next year, it is the transcript through the junior year that will be reviewed by colleges.
- Study and register for the PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary Scholastic aptitude Test. Many scholarships are based on your PSAT/NMSQT.
- Attend meetings with college admissions representatives who come to SMN.
- Schedule an appointment with your counselor, if you are interested in attending a Military Academy (Air Force, WestPoint, Annapolis or the Coast Guard Academy.)
- Take PSAT/NMSQT. Remember to take a calculator and your school I.D.
- Attend College Clinic held at Shawnee Mission East High School.
- Prepare for the
- ACT – www.actstudent.org
- or SAT - http://sat.collegeboard.org/practice
- Attend FAFSA Event - at different high schools annually
- Check college web sites and talk to your counselor to determine which test (ACT, SAT or COMPASS) is recommended for you to take.
- Prepare for and do well on semester finals.
- Identify the characteristics of a college that matters to you—size, location, cost, academics, social environment and diversity. Continue to identify your interests and strengths.
- Make a list of 7-10 colleges that you would like to attend and investigate those schools.
- Arrange for college visits. Schedule these during your spring break, if you can. Submit College Now application, AUTHORIZATION FORM, AND ACT SCORE SUBMISSION.
- Register for the ACT: http://www.actstudent.org/regist/ SAT: http://sat.collegeboard.org/register/sat-us-dates,
- COMPASS test: http://www.jccc.edu/testing/ at JCCC.
- Prepare for the SAT or ACT – www.actstudent.org and http://sat.collegeboard.org/practice
- Explore options for summer plans: work, volunteer, classes.
- Register for Advanced Placement Exams before Spring Break.
- Compile a resume of activities, honors, leadership positions, and job experience. You’ll need this information for college applications and scholarships.
- Register for the
- ACT: http://www.actstudent.org/regist/, SAT: http://sat.collegeboard.org/practice or COMPASS test: http://www.jccc.edu/testing/, at JCCC.
- Prepare for the SAT or ACT – www.actstudent.org and http://sat.collegeboard.org/practice
- Take Advanced Placement Exams if appropriate for you.
- Plan college visits over the summer particularly if your family is taking a vacation
- Check North Webpage for summer Honors English and Math assignments.
- COMPLETE Honors English and Math summer assignments if applicable.
- Apply to JCCC and take ACT or Compass Test, if you plan to take College Now math or science classes in the fall.
- If you are planning to attend KU or KSU after graduation the priority deadline for submitting your admission/scholarship application and ACT score is November 1.
Senior Year Timeline
- Review your online graduation check sheet and make sure you are enrolled in what you need to graduate.
- Complete College Now application, AUTHORIZATION FORM, AND ACT SCORE SUBMISSION if taking College Now courses through JCCC.
- Discuss after high school and college plans with parents and your counselor, College Counselor 993-6935.
- Register for the ACT: http://www.actstudent.org/regist/
- SAT: http://sat.collegeboard.org/register/sat-us-dates or
- COMPASS test: http://www.jccc.edu/testing/ at JCCC.
- Prepare for the SAT or ACT – www.actstudent.org and http://sat.collegeboard.org/practice
- Meet with college representatives when they visit North. Listen for announcements throughout year.
- Begin college and scholarship applications, KNOW DEADLINES!
- Ask teachers and counselor for letters of recommendation. Submit all forms to be filled out by the counselor at least 2 weeks before due date. Complete transcripts request form to have transcripts sent. See registrar, in Student Services.
- Attend College Clinic held at Shawnee Mission East High School.
- Complete Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
- Complete Admission/Scholarship Applications to some State Universities by Nov. 1
November- December
- Investigate scholarships and other financial aid programs. Sign up with www.fastweb.com and other websites looking for colleges, financial aid and scholarships for which you might qualify.
- Attend Financial Aid Evening at SM Northwest
- Check online audit sheets, make sure you are enrolled in the necessary credits to graduate.
- Keep your grades up your last semester.
- Apply for Kansas State Scholarships if fulfilled Kansas Scholar Requirements
- Complete College Now application, AUTHORIZATION FORM, AND ACT SCORE SUBMISSION if taking College Now courses through JCCC.
- Take COMPASS exam if attending community college.
- Register for Advanced Placement Examinations before Spring Break.
- Complete Senior Survey
- Request that your final transcript be sent to the college of your choice.
- Take Advanced Placement Examinations.
- Notify Student Services of ALL Grants and Scholarships that have been offered to you even though you may not accept them.
- Inform selected college of acceptance and intent to enroll.